日本ブラックカラント協会 アドバイザー
ビル フロイド
ビル フロイド
The purpose of the JBA website is to provide latest news and information about health research relevant to blackcurrants. But the blackcurrant is not only the subject of such research; it is also used around the world as an important food and beverage in many cultures. Each month I will share with you some information about this pleasurable ‘perspective’ of the blackcurrant. Bill Floyd, Advisor, Japan Blackcurrant Association:
This month: what does a blackcurrant taste like?
For hundreds of years the people of Europe have used blackcurrants in their diet, predominantly as juice squeezed from the berries where the juice is used as a cordial usually sweetened with sugar, or as a jam. It is also made into the delicious French alcoholic drink, crème de cassis. But in the same way that people describe fine wines, whisky, and sakes, we wanted to be able to describe the tastes and aromas of the blackcurrant berry for industry and consumers.
There are many varieties of blackcurrant and each variety can have differences in flavour in the same way that apple or plum varieties have different flavours. Also, where the blackcurrant bush is grown has a huge impact on flavours. This is because the molecules that our sensory organs detect as either taste (sweet/sour/salt/bitter/umami) or aroma are part of a complex array of phytochemicals produced by the blackcurrant bush in response to its environment. Those phytochemicals are part of the plant “defence strategy”; for example protecting the integrity of its DNA from UV “attack”. In future columns we’ll explain how research is showing that this “blackcurrant defence strategy” might be very good news for our own “human defence systems”.
So how do our human sensory systems react to these phytochemicals? We asked a group of winemakers, chefs, and food‐writers to taste blackcurrants in both pure berry and unsweetened
juice form, and tell us how they would describe the flavour. The tasting was done using the ‘Ben Ard’ variety of blackcurrants grown in the South Island of New Zealand. The conclusion was quite delightful and suggested many future culinary applications:
In my next column I’ll show some of the suggestions for pairing blackcurrants with other foods, including the suggestion of the Japanese Executive Chef who was a member of the tasting group that a blackcurrant-‐red onion pickle would be wonderful with soba noodles.
Best regards to you,
Bill Floyd"