ニュージーランドでは、ベリー マフィンのブルーベリーにブラックカラントを加える事が流行っています。こうする事によって、良い事が3点あります。1点目は、ブルーベリーはパンの中ではあまり特徴的でなく、薄い味ですが、ブラックカラントを加える事によって、酸っぱさを増す事ができます。2点目は、ブラックカラントは非常に多くのポリフェノール(特に、アントシアニン)を含んでいます。3点目は、パン屋さんの原料費を大幅に減らす事ができます。
昨年、英国で国際ブラックカラント協会はニュー オランダ(New Holland)会社と、ブラックカラント パン-マスコット(Blackcurrant bakery-mascot)と名付けられたユニークな会議を行いました。その結果、生まれたのがブラックカラント アーモンド ベイクウェル タルト(Blackcurrant & Almond Bakewell tart)です。私はその写真とレシピを載せています。それは、とても美味しく、しっとりとしていて、甘さと酸っぱさが丁度良くバランスがとれたタルトでした。写真を見てください。見た目にも本当においしそうです!
ビル フロイド
ブラックカラント アーモンド ベイクウェル タルト
- 原料;
- タルト;バター 100g、グラニュー糖 100g、卵黄 2個分、中力粉 250g、膨らし粉 小匙1杯 、冷水 大匙2杯
- 詰め物;アーモンド パウダー 200g、粉糖 200g、中力粉 大匙2杯、生あるいは凍った(解凍し水気を切る)筋や柄の無いブラックカラント 300g、卵白 3個分
- 食する際の生クリームまたはクレームフレーシュ(サワークリームの一種)
- 缶;蓋の無い円形の土台缶 25cm
- 作り方;
- タルト;バター、グラニュー糖、膨らし粉及び中力粉を混ぜ卵黄を一個ずつ加え、それから、十分な水を加えて、ふんわり堅いパン生地を作ります。玉状にパン生地を丸め、サランラップで覆って冷蔵庫で30分間以上冷やします。
オーブンを200℃に予熱し、土台缶を天板の中に置き、触ると乾いていて、ビスケット色になるまで、約12分間焼きます。土台缶をオーブンから取り出し、オーブンの温度を170℃に下げておきます。 - 詰め物;アーモンド パウダー、粉糖及び中力粉を混ぜます。きれいなボールの中で卵白がほとんど硬くなるまで強くかき混ぜます。それから、そのアーモンドと粉糖の混合物の中に金属製のスプーンを使って、卵白を入れます。その混合物をブラックカラントに入れ、混ぜすぎないようにさっと混ぜ、既に焼かれた土台缶に注ぎます。170℃のオーブンの中段で約50分間焼きます(端が焦げていない事を確かめる為に、40分後にチェックします。もし焦げていれば、残りの10分間はフォイルで覆います)。
- タルト;バター、グラニュー糖、膨らし粉及び中力粉を混ぜ卵黄を一個ずつ加え、それから、十分な水を加えて、ふんわり堅いパン生地を作ります。玉状にパン生地を丸め、サランラップで覆って冷蔵庫で30分間以上冷やします。
The purpose of the JBA website is to provide latest news and information about health research relevant to blackcurrants. Where the information comes from other parts of the world the JBA team translates that research for this website. But the blackcurrant is not only the subject of much research; it is also used around the world as an important food and beverage in many cultures. Each month I will share with you some information about this pleasurable ‘perspective’ of the blackcurrant. Bill Floyd, Advisor, Japan Blackcurrant Association:
Could a Blackcurrant Manju be the key to blackcurrant’s acceptance as a bakery innovation in Japan?
In my previous columns I have looked at the organoleptic profile of blackcurrants and their uses in beverages; from the Kir Royale (champagne and blackcurrants) created in the mid 20th Century to the Blackcurrant-Oolong tea cocktail invented in Japan in the 21st Century.
I’m not aware of blackcurrants being used in Japanese bakery. This is to be expected because it’s a relatively new fruit in Japan. But even in countries that have had blackcurrants as part of their food-culture for hundreds of years, the blackcurrant is still seen as a ‘beverage-berry’ and not a bakery ingredient. This is unfortunate because it can be a wonderful bakery ingredient. I enjoy the Japanese use of Umeboshi plums in Japanese cuisine and I believe the blackcurrant has a similar sourness-profile that enhances many foods.
In New Zealand a growing trend is to add blackcurrants to blueberries for berry muffins. The benefits are three-fold: the blackcurrants add an exciting berry-sourness to the palate (blueberries can be a little bland or subtle in bakery by themselves); the blackcurrants add a significant boost of beneficial polyphenolics (especially anthocyanins); and the ingredient cost is dramatically reduced for the bakery operator.
In England earlier this year the International Blackcurrant Association worked with industry partner, New Holland, to create a unique Conference blackcurrant bakery-mascot: and the Blackcurrant and Almond Bakewell tart was the result. I have included a photo and recipe for you. It was a truly delicious, moist, well-balanced tart with just the right of amount of sweetness and sourness. And as you can see it looks quite marvellous.
I discovered Manjus when I was last in Japan and really enjoyed them. But I couldn’t help thinking that a blackcurrant (or blackcurrant-blueberry) “filling” would be a culinary innovation that the Japanese consumer would really enjoy too!
I enjoy sharing my passion for the blackcurrant with you on this website. If you have any questions or ideas you want to share with me, please email me at contact@japanblackcurrantassociation.jp.
Goodbye till next time.
Bill Floyd Advisor- Japan Blackcurrant Association.
Blackcurrant and Almond Bakewell Tart
(My thanks to the International Blackcurrant Association and New Holland for letting me share this with Japan Blackcurrant Association website visitors.)
Here is how to prepare it yourself (makes 8/10 portions)
For The Pastry:
100g butter
100g golden caster sugar
2 free range egg yolks
250g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp cold water
For The Filling:
200g ground almonds
200g sifted icing sugar
2 large tbsp. plain flour
300g fresh or frozen (thaw and drain first) blackcurrants with no strigs or stalks
3 free range egg whites
Double cream or Crème Fraiche to serve Tin: 25cm loose base round tin
Pastry Method:
Mix butter, sugar, baking powder and flour to make breadcrumbs, add the egg yolks one by one, then enough of the water to make a firm but soft dough. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in clingfilm and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Sprinkle a little flour onto your worktop and roll the pasty out, it needs to be large enough to line your tin with a tiny over hang. Carefully push the pastry up the sides and into the corners. Trim off the overhang and make sure that you have no holes (these can be patched with the left over scraps. Chill for another 30 minutes
Preheat your oven to 200C/gas mark 6 and put in a baking sheet Bake your tart case for 12 minutes till dry to the touch and biscuit coloured. Remove the tart case from the oven and lower the temperature to 170C/gas mark 3-4.
Filling Method:
Mix together the ground almonds, icing sugar and flour. In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites till almost stiff, then fold the whites into the almond and sugar mixture with a metal spoon. Stir in the blackcurrants without overmixing and pour into your pastry case. Place your tart onto the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 50 minutes (check at 40 minutes to make sure that it isn’t burning at the edges, if it is, cover with foil for the last 10 minutes). When the filling is pale gold and lightly firm to the touch, remove and set aside to cool. Dust with icing sugar and serve warm with cream or crème fraiche.