マンスリーコラムMonyhly column




こんにちは。前回の記事「ブラックカラントの第一人者 マーク・ウィリアムズ教授について」では、スポーツ界におけるブラックカラントの有用性を、科学的根拠も交えてお話しをしました。









顧問 ビル・フロイド




日本ブラックカラント協会 事務局

in my last article, ‘The Essential Role of Science Champions in Industries Like Blackcurrants’, I highlighted how the potential for blackcurrants to assist people engaged in sporting activities had been clearly, scientifically proven; in marketing language, ‘blackcurrants is a star of the sport platform!’

‘Platform’ is marketing-speak for an area of consumer wants or needs that can be targeted in such a way that marketers can profit from the ensuing business.

But ‘Sport’ is only one such platform. Good science already suggests there are other platforms to be likewise explored. For example: the whole area of brain health including mental acuity and brainspeed-response under pressure. I am personally interested in seeing the research to date on brain matters be extrapolated to a number of human activities, from those playing e-games at the highest (and very lucrative) professional level, to business people needing to perform at their best despite stress. I understand some breakthrough news on research in this area will be released later this year!

‘Eyesight’ is another platform. Many years ago I was present at a presentation by a Japanese scientist on the use of blackcurrants to improve visual acuity in compromised light. The research indicated that ‘contrast visual acuity’ could be measurably improved in poor light conditions. This could have significant value for, especially, ageing populations where ‘contrast visual acuity’ is a major issue!. (I’m 76 years old: I know this as do my friends!)

But Heart health is perhaps the major health issue ‘platform’ worldwide. I attended a Blackcurrant Conference in France in 2010, where a leading UK scientist suggested that enough peer reviewed science existed to be able to make a health claim for blackcurrants for heart health. But why hasn’t that happened?

And there, on the matter of Heart Health, we have perhaps the best example of the natural remedies claims dilemma!

Because the final stage of any research that is needed for a product to be legally allowed to make major health claims is prohibitively expensive. Such research nearly always has to be predicated on a patentable discovery or production step. Otherwise a company funding such research is simply subsidising their commercial competitors to follow them in the marketplace without having incurred any research costs.

The blackcurrant has arguably had more proven research on a myriad of human (and animal) values than any other natural food. But because the research is public property no-one will invest in the final stage of commercialisation.

In my next column I will look at some marketing options for marketers faced with this dilemma.

Bill Floyd Advisor- Japan Blackcurrant Association.


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