*BtoB(Business to Business):企業が企業に対して、商品やサービスを提供するビジネスモデルの事
顧問 ビル・フロイド
Non-exclusive ‘Public Good’ science available to all!Should be great for business but is it the Blackcurrant marketers’ dilemma?
In my previous 2 columns I showed some of the amazing research being done by the UK’s University of Chichester team, led by Professor Mark Willems. This is wonderful, world leading research. But it is public property and large companies won't invest in growing a market from the results, simply because they can't own the research and in effect they would be subsidising their smaller competitors by creating a market opportunity for everyone.But is that a bad thing that the research is in the “public good” and available to anyone to use?
Of course not, it is very, very good news for the smaller entrepreneur, the start-up brand, the company with lots of gumption and passion and integrity but limited finances. Because the one common factor they all have is limited promotional/advertising resources.
If I focus on Professor Willems’ work: it has clearly established that blackcurrant currant powder, when taken in amounts that equate to 120mg of blackcurrant anthocyanins in a dose, as proven in the research using New Zealand-grown Ben Ard variety blackcurrants, has meaningful and measurable values to sports people.. In some research the dose of 105mg of anthocyanins was still effective..
I think it's important to restate the origin and variety used in the research, in this article, because anthocyanins are a non-nutritive molecule evolution “created” in the plant to act as a defensive mechanism; in this case to protect the blackcurrant DNA in its seed from UV degradation. Therefore different countries, different UV levels and possibly different anthocyanin levels.
But that same molecule has unintended but very positive functional consequences when consumed by humans; as proven by Professor Willems and others. So back to our marketers: I think Professor Willems’ work is perfect for ‘business-to-business' marketing. Any company can download the work from the University of Chichester website and take it to appropriate professional ‘influencers’ in their marketing territory. Examples would be sports coaches, physiotherapists and sports nutritionists.
The marketer can simply provide the information to the influencer and can even make some of their own product available for the influencer to give out to their own clients.
I made specific reference above to the “120mg anthocyanin content per dose”. A good, professional influencer is likely to read and be aware of this necessary level of “anthocyanin-potency”. And to that end the marketer does need to have their own product tested for its anthocyanin levels. And if necessary put an addendum on their own marketing collateral as to what dose of their juice, or powder, or capsules, or frozen blackcurrant berries in their natural state, should be taken to achieve“120mg”..
Does this system work? I know it does. Some decades ago I was working as an advisor for New Zealand berry fruit company, Sujon. Sujon had some initial research on sport potential. I attended a New Zealand Dietetics Conference and chanced on a meeting with a leading sports nutritionist working at Olympic level. Information and samples were sent to her. As a result she allowed me to quote her to another sports nutritionist and from her to a leading fitness coach: The end result was a major global sports team taking Sujon blackcurrant supplement. (A confidentiality agreement with the team meant they can't be named.)
So if you are a marketer of blackcurrants: look for a network influencer, and give them the publicly available information and see where it goes……
And if you have an idea that could be developed as a result of Professor Willems’ work I can think of no better research facility to develop that for you than the research team at the University of Chichester. I know they contract to do such work commercially and under confidentiality agreement. Yes I know this is an unabashed ‘plug’ for the University: but by any definition they have done amazing research and it's simply not getting the market traction it deserves.
Importantly, Professor Willems has contacts with, and collaborates with, Universities in other countries: Japan in particular! An amazing commercial resource as yet not discovered by the marketing mavens of the global blackcurrant industry. Go for it!
Bill Floyd Advisor- Japan Blackcurrant Association.