〜 ビル・フロイドとChatGPTのとある会話 〜
ChatGPT:ベリーに含まれるアントシアニンが一般的でしょう。ブルーベリー、ブラックベリー、ラズベ リー、ストロベリー、クランベリー、ブラックカラントのようなベリーです。
私:このベリーの中でアントシアニンが一番豊富に含まれているのがブラックカラントなのに、なぜ一 番最後にリストアップされているのですか。
ChatGPT:確かにブラックカラントのアントシアニン含有量は、どのベリーと比較しても一番といえま す。リストの順番とアントシアニン含有量に関係性はありません。アントシアニン含有量に基づいてリストを再度作成します。
1. ブラックカラント
2. エルダーベリー
3. ブルーベリー
4. ブラックベリー
5. チョークベリー
6. アサイベリー
7. チェリー
8. 赤葡萄
9. ラズベリー
10. クランベリー
顧問 ビル・フロイド
The Blackcurrant - is it getting a fair deal from Artificial Intelligence?
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a reality and now globally used as a wonderful source of information.
I was researching sources of anthocyanins in berries and thought I would ask ‘ChatGPT’ for some information.
My question to ChatGPT was “Anthocyanin rich blend is created from what natural source?”.
ChatGPT’s answer was: “Common sources: berries”
ChatGPT then listed the berries in this order: Blueberries, Blackberries,Raspberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, Blackcurrants.”
I asked ChatGPT: “Why is blackcurrant listed last when it contains higher levels of anthocyanins than the others?”
ChaptGPT replied:“You are correct that blackcurrants are particularly rich is anthocyanins, often containing higher levels than many other fruits listed. The order in the previous response was not indicative of anthocyanin concentration but rather a general listing of common (berry) sources.
ChatGPT then listed fruits in order of anthocyanin values:
1. Blackcurrants
2. Elderberries
3. Blueberries
4. Blackberries
5. Chokeberries
6. Acai berries
7. Cherries (tart)
8. Red grapes
9. Raspberries
10. Cranberries.
I then asked ChatGPT if the list should refer to ‘bilberries’ instead of ‘blueberries’. ChatGPT agreed and said the list should state ‘bilberries’ where it states ‘blueberries’.
For readers of this column that don't know: bilberries (often called blueberries) are very different in flavour to the common blueberry: they are much more tart.
Most consumers, including me, love blueberries as a mild tasting and colourful berry: superb in muffins and the like. But if a consumer is looking for anthocyanins for a specific health reason, the ChatGPT now knows to list the blackcurrant first and foremost!
Was it important for me to have this ‘dialogue’ with ChatGPT? Yes, because public perception is an interesting and latently very powerful marketers’ reality.
In 2008 I visited Japan for the first time. I was part of a team promoting New Zealand Blackcurrants at the FoodEx Japan 2008. We had information on the scientifically proven value of blackcurrants for eye health. I gave samples of New Zealand blackcurrants coated in dark chocolate to hundreds of Japanese visitors to FoodEx. (They were delicious!). But whenever I mentioned the eye the Japanese visitor would politely say “Ahhh….Blueberry?” This despite the posters specifically referring to blackcurrants. The power of public perception!
So when I found one of the world's most popular AI information sites,ChatGPT, reinforcing blueberries' position at the top of a list, I had to disagree with “Chat”. And what surprised me was how readily “Chat” agreed with what I wrote.
Anthocyanins are an incredibly important part of blackcurrants' contribution to human health.
Processors, marketers, and salespeople of products that contain and promote blackcurrants for its health values should enjoy the confidence of knowing that they are providing one of, if not the world’s best berries, for anthocyanin potency.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
Bill Floyd Advisor- Japan Blackcurrant Association.