マンスリーコラムMonyhly column





私、ビル・フロイドは、2015年にブラックカラントの料理を中心としたワークショップをここニュージーラン ドで開催しました。食に通ずる専門家を世界中から招き、ブラックカラントを食材として活用する方法について話し合いました。ワークショップを開催したのは10年前ですが、こんにちにおいてもブラックカラントは変わらず愛されています。従来の食べ方はもちろん、新しい食べ方も生まれ、10年の時を経てここでワークショップでの経験をシェアできればと思います。



A sweet earthy taste. Aromas of fresh gooseberry and passionfruit with hint of raspberry, combined with the floral notes of carnations and roses. An underlying tannic structure adds complexity and balance to the blackcurrant’s acidity and sweetness. The aftertaste is fresh and cleansing. Aromatics linger but not the sweetness.










*西洋ワサビ: 日本で食べられる本ワサビと違い、白く食物繊維が豊富で粘り気がなくポロポロしている。辛さは1.5倍で海外では相性の良い肉料理と合わせて食べられることが多い。



顧問 ビル・フロイド

The Blackcurrant: a culinary champion!


In recent articles I have focussed on the amazing research being done on the human health values of the blackcurrant, especially as relates to sports activities and the performance of sports champions.

In this article I want to focus on another area where the blackcurrant is a champion: the kitchen!

Many years ago I hosted a Blackcurrant Culinary Workshop: a group of flavour experts was invited to assess the taste and cooking potential of the blackcurrant. I wrote about that back in September 2015. I think it is timely to revisit that Workshop’s findings and look at what has happened globally since then.

The workshop consisted of highly qualified chefs and foodwriters. The following definition of the blackcurrants organoleptic values was agreed:

A sweet earthy taste. Aromas of fresh gooseberry and passionfruit with hint of raspberry, combined with the floral notes of carnations and roses. An underlying tannic structure adds complexity and balance to the blackcurrant’s acidity and sweetness. The aftertaste is fresh and cleansing. Aromatics linger but not the sweetness.

The tasting was done using the ‘Ben Ard’ variety of blackcurrants grown in the South Island of New Zealand.

I was delighted with the conclusion by a group of food professionals. It suggested many future culinary applications.

So what are some wonderful new culinary uses.Here is a very brief list that I believe shows wonderful culinary creativity.

In Germany: a ‘Cassis and Horseradish’ spread is proving very popular and perfect with those wonderful sausages the Germans are famous for.

In Scotland, a Blackcurrant jam is made with the inclusion of Sloe berry Gin, providing a wonderful complexity of flavours.

In France, blackcurrant buds (these transform into the berry) are harvested and dried and make the most exquisite and fragrant pepper spice for sprinkling on virtually any protein.

In Scotland, a Blackcurrant jam is made with the inclusion of Sloe berry Gin, providing a wonderful complexity of flavours.

In New Zealand, blackcurrants are cooked with roasted white onions to create a ‘Platter Spread’ that is exceptionally good when served on crackers with cheeses.

And of course, throughout the world, blackcurrant’s traditional ‘blackcurrant jam’ continues to be a staple for many kitchens.

I was especially intrigued by the German product,Blackcurrant and Horseradish spread, because one of the chefs that took part in the original Culinary Workshop was the Executive Chef at the Japanese Embassy in New Zealand at the time. He commented to the group that a ‘blackcurrant red-onion pickle’ would be the perfect partner to a plate of soba noodles. I wonder if a ‘Blackcurrant and Wasabi’ spread would do for sashimi what the German ‘Blackcurrant and Horseradish’ does for sausages?

Perhaps that is a very enjoyable task for our JBA website cooking columnist, Luna, to explore?

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Bill Floyd Advisor- Japan Blackcurrant Association.


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