The best berry for life
*現 株式会社ベネシード CEO 片山 源治郎
学会では、各部門の代表者がブラックカラントの価値や有用性に関して論議し合いました。そのときある日本人の代表者が、ブラックカラントの価値を総まとめする”The best berry for life" (訳:人生に最高なベリーを)というフレーズを提案し、参加者全員が合意したのでした。そんなスーパーベリーであるブラックカラントの栄養素は、一人ひとりの生活を満たしてくれる存在なのです。
この”The best berry for life”というフレーズは、日本ブラックカラント協会(JBA)の公式ウェブサイトのキャッチフレーズとして使われていますが、皆さんはお気付きでしょうか。JBAのホームページで確認できるので、この記事を読み終わったあとに一度見てみてくださいね。
では、ここで皆さんに質問です。この中で最も栄養価に優れる果物はどれだったでしょうか。皆さんすでにお分かりですね。そうです、ブラックカラントです。まさに、the best berry for life、毎日摂取したいスーパーフルーツです。
これまで、多岐にわたり様々な研究内容に出会う機会がありましたが、この研究もとても興味深い内容だと思います。私ビル・フロイドの考えではありますが、前述の研究はおおそらく1980年〜1990年代の日本人研究者が斬新な研究を推進したことが始まりではないかと思います。それが現在のような日本のブラックカラント研究に繋がっているのでしょう。ブラックカラントの有用性が次々と証明される、ここでもThe best berry for lifeですね!
- 本記事で紹介された研究内容は、健康への可能性であるため、確固たる有用性を証明するにはさらなる研究が必要です。
- ブラックカラントの性質は栽培地域で異なります。研究資料を参照する際は、資料内にある産地や栄養の記載を参考にしてください。例えば、私がよく取り上げるニュージーランド産ブラックカラントは、世界トップクラスのアントシアニンを誇ることで有名です。UVダメージを保護する機能を担うこのアントシアニン豊富なNZ産ブラックカラントは、ジュースやパウダーとしても摂取可能です。
- 本記事の研究内容では、ブラックカラントの有用性を特に強調していますが、日頃摂取する野菜や果物もそれぞれの栄養価値があるため、日々の生活ではバランスの取れた食生活を送りましょう。
- 上記の研究内容を用いて治療方法を行う前に必ず専門家に相談しましょう。
顧問 ビル・フロイド
‘The Blackcurrant - the best berry for life!’
In 2008 a group of international blackcurrant growers, processors, marketers, and scientists met in New Zealand. This conference was sponsored by the Japanese company, and became the spur that created the International Blackcurrant Association.
At this 2008 Conference delegates spent some time discussing and agreeing on what sort of values and benefits the blackcurrant could have for global consumers. It was during this workshop that one of the Japanese delegates suggested the phrase ‘The Best Berry for Life’ as an umbrella phrase that encapsulated the many benefits consumers gained from eating the blackcurrant. The phrase was warmly agreed to by all the Conference attendees. Research was already showing that the blackcurrant wasn’t just a ‘one trick wonder’ and instead has many unique health benefits that could be relevant to all stages of a person's life and lifestyle.
You might have noted that on this JBA website the phrase, ‘The Best Berry for Life’, is used as a banner statement. In this article I want to give a few examples as to why the blackcurrant is truly one of the best foods a person can eat!
I know that is a huge statement, but the British Blackcurrant Association funded research to compare a number of fruits across a number of values, and as a result, believed that the blackcurrant should in fact be called ‘The superfruit!’
The fruits compared were: apple, apricot, banana, blackberry, blackcurrant,blueberry, cherry,cranberry, grapefruit, grape, lemon, mango, melon, orange, passionfruit, peach, pera,pomegranate, raspberry, and strawberry.
They were compared for their ‘percentage recommended daily allowance (RDA)’ for: energy,fibre, Vit C, Vit B2, Vit E, Vit K, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, and Zinc. All fruits were designated as having either ‘High Level’, ‘Moderate Level’, or ‘Little or None Present’ of those RDA’s .
And the star fruit performer was (and I'm sure you have already guessed!): the blackcurrant: the Number One SUPERFRUIT! And for this reason alone confirmed that the blackcurrant can and should be called ‘the best berry for life!’.
I was reminded of all of this the other day when I was collating the various types of research done on the blackcurrant.
I want to share some highlights with you:
Much research has been done on the benefits of the blackcurrant in the field of sport. In my last 3 columns I focused on the research done by Professor Mark Willems at the University of Chichester, UK. That research has firmly established, by any modern scientific measure, the value of blackcurrant supplements to help the human body cope with the stresses and demands of sustained high level physical training.
Benefits for the human brain have been proven with recent soundly-based research, especially the work using New Zealand-grown blackcurrants. In future articles I will cover that research on blackcurrants and the brain in detail. But to summarise one example of the research’s results: New Zealand-grown blackcurrants have improved brain performance in computer users,improving mental focus and accuracy.
At the 2010 International Blackcurrant Conference, held in Beaune, France, the guest keynote speaker was Dr Derek Stewart, Director of the Plant Products and Food Quality programme at the Scottish Crop Research Institute. His address covered the gamut of benefits of the blackcurrant, but the ‘take home’ message for me was his summary of the research done by the University of Dundee. That research investigated “ Cardiovascular function and intake of soft fruit: effects of qualitative and quantitative variation in berry antioxidant status”. The research focussed on blackcurrants. The preliminary results were “have shown a reduction in
intima-media thickening”. Dr Stewart stated that ‘heart health’ was, he believed, the blackcurrant's strongest value for humans.
I attended a blackcurrant science symposium in New Zealand in 2007. Some exceptional
research work, being pioneered by Japanese scientists, was presented:
- One Japanese researcher's paper looked at the effects of blackcurrant supplement on human circulation. Hands were plunged into freezing water and then thermographic cameras were used to measure the time for the hand to return to normal temperature. Taking a blackcurrant supplement returned the hand to normal blood flow in a fraction of the time. When it comes to the health and wellbeing of trampers and mountaineers, and people who simply just don't like the cold, the blackcurrant could have significant value.
I personally believe it was the work of Japanese scientists in the 1980’s and 90’s that created the impetus for the novel research focus as shown with the above examples.. A focus that has resulted in where we are now. And it was one of those Japanese scientists who encapsulated the benefits into a phrase that is easily understood by all: ‘The blackcurrant: the best berry for life!”
Despite all the above, the main use of the blackcurrants is as a refreshing summer cordial, and as ‘blackcurrant jam’. But even on the food and beverage platform changes are happening.
Innovative growers and processors are creating exciting new ways to enjoy blackcurrant on the palate. Future articles will explore these new culinary champions! Please note the following when I refer to research and health values:
- Please note the following when I refer to research and health values:
- Research can be indicative of possible values to humans, but much of the research requires more trials before values are proven.
- Research usually uses blackcurrants from a specific geographic location and fruit composition can vary from place to place. The country of origin is usually noted in the scientists’ research papers. For example, New Zealand has exceptionally high levels of anthocyanins. This is a molecule developed by the plant to protect the fruit seed DNA from UV damage and is available in the blackcurrant juice or powder for human health values.
- While research suggests potential values people should enjoy blackcurrants as part of a balanced diet of many foods; especially fruits and vegetables.
- No-one should use the above information in any way to treat themselves without discussing first with their medical professional.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu,
Bill Floyd
Advisor- Japan Blackcurrant Association.