マンスリーコラムMonyhly column







*IGF-1: インスリン様成長因子-1とも呼ばれる。ヒトの健康を支える重要なホルモンであり、主に血液循環機能において重要な役割を担っている。IGF-1は年齢とともに減少する。

*cGP: Cyclic Glycine-Prolineの略語であり、日本語名は環状グリシン-プロリン。体内で自動的に生成される分子であり、IGF-1の機能に大きく関わる。



Guan. J. et al. The role for IGF-1-derived small europeptides as a therapeutic target for neurological disorders.Expert Opin. Ther. Targets 19, 785-793 (2015).


Fan. D. et al. Changes of plasma cGP/IGF-1 molar ratio with age is associated with cognitive status of Parkinson disease.Alzheimers dementia. Diagn. Assess. Dis. Monit.12, e12025 (2020).



Fan, D., Krishnamurthi, R., Harris, P., P.A. &Guan, J. Plasma cyclic glycine proline/IGF-1 ratio predicts clinical outcome and recovery in stroke patients. Ann. Clin. Transl.Neurol. 6, 669-677 (2019).



*加水分解コラーゲン: コラーゲンタンパク質を酸素で分解し、分子量を小さくしたもの

この革新的な研究と商品開発は、ニュージーランドにある" the cGPspacelab." 研究所で行われています。また偶然にも、グァン医師の研究が最初に特許を出願された国は、なんと日本なのです。


Well done Team cGPSpaceLab!

顧問 ビル・フロイド

The Blackcurrant wins the ‘berry trifecta’!

The Blackcurrant wins the ‘berry trifecta’ with astounding new brain-value research that discovers a hero molecule!

The blackcurrant has been part of the human diet for hundreds of years. In the 20th Century the focus was on the role of its exceptionally high Vitamin C content and the importance of that in combating seasonal colds and flus and for good health generally..

In the latter part of the 20th Century research out of Japan showed the potential importance of the unique antioxidant, anthocyanin. Leading research in the UK since then, especially at Chichester University, established that blackcurrant anthocyanins have a critical role to play in muscular health and especially sports performance.

And now researchers in New Zealand have discovered, and proven, that a special molecule in blackcurrants can, with the right dosage, make Insulin-Like Growth Factor -1 (IGF-1) more active and more available to the human body, and especially the brain.

This new value in blackcurrants completes a wonderful and unique ‘trifecta’ of values: making the blackcurrant truly unique in the world’s “nutraceutical larder”.

The special ‘hero’ molecule is cyclic Glycine Proline (cGP) and its relevance to IGF-1 cannot be understated. The work of Chinese-born New Zealand scientist, Dr Jian Guan, showed that cGP plays a key role in making capillaries (the microvasculature/small blood vessels) in the brain. Guan. J. et al. The role for IGF-1-derived small neuropeptides as a therapeutic target for neurological disorders. Expert Opin. Ther. Targets 19, 785-793 (2015).

This unique mechanism of making new capillaries in the brain increases blood circulation in the brain, thereby supporting healthy brain function as well as preventing the accumulation of toxic waste.

A published study showed that older people with higher levels of cGP have better memory and other cognitive functions. In contrast a gradual decrease in cGP is associated with cognitive impairment. Fan. D. et al. Changes of plasma cGP/IGF-1 molar ratio with age is associated with cognitive status of Parkinson disease. Alzheimers dementia. Diagn. Assess. Dis. Monit.12, e12025 (2020).

Dr Guan’s research focus on cGP over the last 30 years has resulted in 14 international patents and confirmed her place as one of New Zealand’s leading neuroscientists.

As a 77 year old male with a stroke history I was especially interested in Dr Guan’s work on stroke. A study by her showed that stroke patients have a lower cGP level three days following their stroke, compared to healthy people. This study also found that three months after a stroke, patients who had a higher level of cGP at the time of the stroke, made a significantly better recovery, compared to those with lower levels at the time of their stroke. Fan, D., Krishnamurthi, R., Harris, P., P.A. &Guan, J. Plasma cyclic glycine proline/IGF-1 ratio predicts clinical outcome and recovery in stroke patients. Ann. Clin. Transl.Neurol. 6, 669-677 (2019).

I wrote at the start of this article that the blackcurrant started gaining global popularity for its Vitamin C value. It then developed a significant following for its anthocyanin-sport value. Now some of the very serious brain-related health issues facing an ageing global population seem set to benefit from this very important scientific work.

As part of protecting the integrity of Dr Guan’s research, a powder with a standardised dose of cGP is marketed globally under the product trademark registered name cGP-PRo9. The powder is made with blackcurrant concentrate and hydrolysed collagen.

The company formed to do this is the New Zealand company, the cGPSpaceLab. It was interesting to note that the first international patent for Dr Guan’s work was secured for Japan.

Years of pioneering research work has gone into this achievement, both by Dr Guan and her teams.

I know and respect the visionary New Zealand blackcurrant producers who believed in and supported that work, and secured significant New Zealand Government research funding for it.

In future articles I will write more on the research and the success of this quite exceptional ‘hero molecule’ and the team behind it.

Well done Team cGPSpaceLab!

Bill Floyd
Advisor- Japan Blackcurrant Association.


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