マンスリーコラムMonyhly column





*IGF-1: インスリン様成長因子-1とも呼ばれる。ヒトの健康を支える重要なホルモンであり、主に血液循環機能において重要な役割を担っている。IGF-1は年齢とともに減少する。

*cGP: Cyclic Glycine-Prolineの略語であり、日本語名は環状グリシン-プロリン。体内で自動的に生成される分子であり、IGF-1の機能に大きく関わる。





















前回の記事では、cGP含有のサプリが商品化されていることもお伝えしました。cGP含有の製品開発・販売はThe cGP Labという会社が担っています。また会社では、この分野を専門とする研究員たちがブラックカラント由来のcGPで国際特許取得に向け、日々切磋琢磨しています。

「成功は一夜にしてならず」とはまさにこのことでしょう。ブラックカラントの有用性を信じ続けたエダー氏とグリエルソン氏、cGP発見という偉業を成し遂げたグァン医師、そしてこの革命家たちの努力をThe cGP Labが仲介となり世界に発信するのです。まさに、一人ひとりの真摯な努力が大いなる結果を生み出し、未来に繋げていくのです。

顧問 ビル・フロイド

The Innovator-Champions who created a whole new value for the blackcurrant!


In a previous article I wrote about an amazing breakthrough in blackcurrant-based science: the role of blackcurrant’s cyclic Glycine Proline (cGP) in stimulating Insulin-Like-Growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and the value it means for cognitive wellbeing,especially for the elderly.

I finished that article by saying I would profile the people behind this astonishingly important research and the consequent product development. And so, in this article, I write about three people:

Dr Jian Guan, scientist.

David Eder, pioneering blackcurrant grower and blackcurrant healthvisionary.Co- Founder of cGP Lab Ltd

Jim Grierson, global agronomist who was the President of the International Blackcurrant Association (IBA) for 4 years and its agronomics advisor for 4 years; Co- Founder and Chair of cGP Lab Ltd

Firstly, Jim Grierson and David Eder:

I have known Jim and David since the early 2000’s. I was an advisor to New Zealand company Sujon at the time: Sujon pioneered the use of blackcurrant powder for sports performance. Through Sujon I became involved with a small group that conceptualised and created the International Blackcurrant Association (IBA). The IBA had its genesis at the inaugural world blackcurrant Conference in New Zealand in 2008.

Jim and David were key founding members of the IBA with Jim serving as its founding President. Jim was also the IBA’s Agronomics advisor for 4 years.

Both Jim and David have always displayed a keen intellect and a sense of purpose to discover just what beneficial secrets were inside the humble little berry.

David was a supplier of premium blackcurrant derivatives to the Beneseed company and through that association, Beneseed became a major sponsor and driver of the globally successful IBA.

David, ever since I have known him, had always nursed an intuitive belief that the blackcurrant could help with Parkinsons.

Dr Guan was a member of a New Zealand research team whose work resulted in the publication of a paper in Nutrients 2018, 10, 714; doi:10.3390/nu10060714.

A friend of David’s met Dr Guan at a Brain Research meeting in December 2016 and told Dr Guan that David was a blackcurrant grower who wanted to talk to her. Dr Guan talked with David and discussed the global potential for blackcurrants indicated in the research.

David realised the significant commercial issues and opportunities and asked Jim to be involved on the commercial side.

This is a wonderful example of how serendipity rewards perseverance! Through networking and professional friendships an idea gained credibility and then substance and then commercial reality.

It had taken more than twenty years since Jim and David first talked about David’s “idea”. Jim and David had persevered and eventually got serious New Zealand government and private investment support that allowed Dr Guan to carry out some wonderful, innovative research; several million dollars have been spent on research, with 30% of that funded by the New Zealand Government.

By this stage Jim and David were part of a group of investors that saw the global significance of a blackcurrant-based consumer product that could address one of the great health issues of our times: dementia and age-related cognitive decline.

With world-wide patents underway to protect the integrity of Dr Guan’s research, the commercial concept that was sparked by Jim and David is now set to transform how the world values the blackcurrant berry. Jim and David truly are commercially innovative blackcurrant world champions!

But Jim and David’s commercial drive and passion was of course predicated on the early research of Dr Guan, the science champion of the trio.

cGP is the result of 30 years work by Dr Guan on the mechanism of cGP and how it works. The cGP Lab has taken that early stage research and conducted a clinical study to the highest standards. This clinical study is now undergoing peer review in a leading scientific journal.

Dr Guan is now a New Zealander but was born in China and became a paediatrician there after gaining her Bachelor Medicine. In the early 1990’s she moved to New Zealand and became an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Auckland.

Dr Guan is the acknowledged world leader in the field of the protective effects of IGF-1, its sub molecules GPE and cGP and their potential role in treating neurological and non-neurological conditions.

The result of the scientific and commercial synergy of these three New Zealanders is a company with a highly skilled multi-disciplinary staff, led by CEO Dr Amanda Wiggins PhD. This company is pursuing world patents for a unique and exciting scientific breakthrough - the role of cGP derived from blackcurrants for human health applications.

An “overnight success” that was actually decades in the making. The cGP Lab is the result of the initial passion, drive and skills of a small group of New Zealanders: Dr Jian Guan, Jim Grierson, and David Eder.

It has been beautiful to see it come to fruition!

Bill Floyd
Advisor- Japan Blackcurrant Association.


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